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Example of a villager trading hall built with ianxofour's Instant Trading Hall design and trained with AutoLibrarian.
In-game description“Automatically trains a villager to become a librarian that sells a specific enchanted book. You can set up an entire trading hall in no time by using this hack.”
Default keybindnone
Source codenet/wurstclient/hacks/AutoLibrarianHack.java

AutoLibrarian is a Minecraft hack that enables players to automatically train a villager to become a librarian and sell a specific enchanted book. By using this hack, players can set up an entire trading hall quickly and easily.

The hack provides several settings, including a “Wanted books” list where players can plan out which books they want villagers to sell in their trading hall, “Lock in trade” to prevent villagers from changing their trade offers, “Update books” to automatically keep the book list up to date, and other settings to customize the hack's behavior.


When using AutoLibrarian, it's important to make sure that the villager can't walk away and can't block the player from placing the job site. A setup like ianxofour's “Instant Trading Hall with Villager Breeder” works great with AutoLibrarian and is cheap and easy to build, too.


Screenshot of the main UI for editing the “Wanted Books” setting.
Screenshot of the UI for adding a new book to the “Wanted Books” setting.
Screenshot of the UI for editing an existing book.

Wanted books

Wanted books
In-game description“A list of enchanted books that you want your villagers to sell.

AutoLibrarian will stop training the current villager once it has learned to sell one of these books.

You can also set a maximum price for each book, in case you already have a villager selling it but you want it for a cheaper price.”

The “Wanted books” setting is a custom “BookOffers” setting type that is only used by AutoLibrarian. It is a list of book offers, which each have an enchantment, a level, and a maximum price. The enchantment and level are used to determine which books the villager will learn to sell, while the maximum price is used to determine how much the villager will sell the book for. The maximum price can be set to 64 to disable it, which means the villager will sell the book for whatever price it wants.

Lock in trade

Lock in trade
In-game description“Automatically buys something from the villager once it has learned to sell the book you want. This prevents the villager from changing its trade offers later.

Make sure you have at least 24 paper and 9 emeralds in your inventory when using this feature. Alternatively, 1 book and 64 emeralds will also work.”
Default valuenot checked

The “Lock in trade” setting allows AutoLibrarian to automatically buy something from the villager once it has learned to sell one of the books that the user wants. This prevents the villager from changing its trade offers later, which is especially useful when the user is running AutoLibrarian in the background while they are doing something else.

As it says in the in-game description, the user should make sure they have enough paper, emeralds, and books in their inventory before using this feature. If the user doesn't have enough items to complete a trade, AutoLibrarian will fail to lock in the trade and the villager will be able to reset its trade offers.

Update books

Update books
In-game description“Automatically updates the list of wanted books when a villager has learned to sell one of them.

Off - Don't update the list.

Remove - Remove the book from the list so that the next villager will learn a different book.

Price - Update the maximum price for the book so that the next villager has to sell it for a cheaper price.”
Default valueRemove
Possible valuesOff, Remove, Price

The “Update books” setting allows the user to automate their “Wanted books” list. If this setting is enabled, AutoLibrarian will automatically remove books from the list when a villager has learned to sell them, or update the maximum price for the book so that the next villager has to sell it for a cheaper price.


In-game description(none)
Default value5m

The “Range” setting determines how far AutoLibrarian will be able to reach to place the job site, break the job site, and interact with the villager.


In-game description“How to face the villager and job site.

Off - Don't face the villager at all. Will be detected by anti-cheat plugins.

Server-side - Face the villager on the server-side, while still letting you move the camera freely on the client-side.

Client-side - Face the villager by moving your camera on the client-side. This is the most legit option, but can be disorienting to look at.”
Default valueServer-side
Possible valuesOff, Server-side, Client-side

The “Facing” setting determines how AutoLibrarian will face the villager and job site.

“Client-side” is the most legit option. It actually moves the player's camera to face the villager and job site. However, it can be a bit disorienting to look at.

“Server-side” is the default option. It moves the player's head on the server-side, but still lets the player move their camera freely on the client-side. This is recommended for most users.

“Off” won't face the villager at all. This is the least legit option and will be detected by anti-cheat plugins.

Swing hand

Swing hand
In-game description“How AutoLibrarian should swing your hand when interacting with the villager and job site.

Off - Don't swing your hand at all. Will be detected by anti-cheat plugins.

Server-side - Swing your hand on the server-side, without playing the animation on the client-side.

Client-side - Swing your hand on the client-side. This is the most legit option.”
Default valueServer-side
Possible valuesOff, Client-side, Server-side

The “Swing hand” setting determines how AutoLibrarian will swing the user's hand when interacting with the villager and job site.

“Client-side” makes the animation visible to both the user and to other players. “Server-side” only makes it visible to other players. “Off” won't swing the hand at all, which can be detected by anti-cheat plugins.

Repair mode

Repair mode
In-game description“Prevents AutoLibrarian from using your axe when its durability reaches the given threshold, so you can repair it before it breaks.
Can be adjusted from 0 (off) to 100.”
Default value1
Minimum0 uses (off)
Maximum100 uses
Increment1 use

The “Repair mode” slider prevents AutoLibrarian from using the player's axe when its durability reaches a certain threshold. When the durability of the axe reaches this threshold, the setting will prevent the axe from being used until it is repaired. The slider can be adjusted from 0 (off) to 100 remaining uses, in increments of 1.


  • When a villager is done training, place a sign against the lectern with the enchantment and price written on it. This helps to keep your trading hall organized.


Wurst 7.32Added AutoLibrarian.
autolibrarian.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/17 07:20 by alexander01998